Subsystem of domicile currency managing


Prevailing demand for quick and accurate transfer of information has led to demand for connecting different computer networks and different technologies of data processing. The size of banking networks has directed the development of information systems towards new technologies. The classic technologies of data processing on host platform are being abandoned, and connecting of a number of computer networks in the country and the world is introduced. Connecting of the bank network and the Centre for Data Processing (CDP) provided us with quick information about the state of the bank's and branch unit's gyro account, state of the bank's deponents, and daily monitoring of the accounts of bank's deponents. Bank's domicile currency business dealings include the following: security of he bank's funds, jobs with valuable papers, disposal of bank's funds, etc. project solutions are based on the solutions that are applied in practice according to the principle quick information - satisfied user.


Deposit managing

.Firm's deposit managing is completely automatic. The data are being taken and entered into the bank's information system's data base over through a tape, a diskette or through modem connection with the CDP. When the data obtained from the CDP is coupled with the data in registers, accounting of changes by forming a warrant and the warrant's paragraph is created automatically. The job is simplified and it is reduced to updating registers with the gyro account of inclusion of deponents with the account and the account holder's party in the bank's database. For the Type C banks (banks with several branch units), the takeover of the deponents data is performed in the central unit, and is forwarded to branch units through bank's internal network. In that way, it is possible to establish bank's and every branch unit's liquidity



Programs that backup the jobs of running deposits of the bank's deponents are: Data takeover for the account500 or 503 from the DPC through tape, diskette, or directly, by modem or SPP connecting, Coupling (control) of turnover taken over through tape with turnover obtained on listing, Coupling the gyro account and home number, Automatic accounting of deponents, Average influx of deponents, interest calculation for the deponent and printing of transfer warrants of calculated interest, Deponents' state, Registers of deponents, deponents' card, etc


Dealings with valuable papers

The project includes automatic accounting of financial paragraphs through accounting the warrant and warrant's paragraph, and simultaneous keeping registers about every action. Besides initial sale of bank's stocks, it is also possible to perform endorsment of stocks between the central unit and a branch unit, between two branch units, as well as between the stockholders. There is also register of destroyed stocks. Stock book is organized in series of issuing and the number of stocks in each series. Programs for initial stock sale automatically assign serial numbers to free stocks. In programs for endorsment, it is necessary to enter serial numbers of endorsed stocks. Based on individual stock registry, the stock book is printed for each series with some options (a series or all series, active, endorsed, destroyed, etc.), there is record about the number of stockholders votes, about revaluated value of each stock, and the dividend is calculated.



.Programs for stock book backup are:

Keeping accountancy record about the sold stocks, keeping record about stockholders, keeping record about the stock issue, printing of stock record book according to series and status of stocks, stockholders' states, right to vote, calculation of dividend, calculation of revaluation, dividend and revaluation accounting, etc.


Domicile currency investments

Domicile currency investments are monitored by the IS project through issuing short-term and long-term loans. When the loan has been approved, it is necessary to enter home data of the loan party with the elements of the approved loan (account holder, account holder guarantee, loan group and rate, compensation, amount and periodicals of payment). Accounting paragraph and payment of loans are performed through the program for general domicile currency warrant. All interest calculations (regular, penalty, revaluation) for individual or for all loan parties are done automatically. Calculation lists of interest are delivered to the user, and the common lists are stored with the administrator. All calculation of interest, compensation, fees, are automatically accounted by forming the warrant and its paragraphs

Programs for the project of domicile currency investments backup are:

Loans issuing and purpose control, transfer of loans to payment, loan installment calculation, loan accounting, warning for unfulfilled obligations, reviews of loans payment arrival, review of arrived but unfulfilled demands, calculation of interest with the tax, external and internal reports after the interest accounting, transfer to suspicious and controversial demands, etc.


Source data processing

At the departments of domicile currency management, there are registers of home data that are used in all of the bank's departments. One of the most important registers needed for the bank's dealings is the register of account holders. Since the firms that are bank's deposits initially register at the deposit service department, it is logical that the account holders' register to be kept at the same department. Firms-account holders' registers is kept by an administrator at one place, and it is available to all the workers whose job is data accounting. Important elements of the register are: firm's home number, name of the firm, address data, telephone numbers, activity of the contact person with functions and levels of authorization of the signed document, levels of security of business dealings with the firms, etc. Elements from the account holder's register are built in the programs for data accounting as well as the control functions that reduce the number of errors for data processing.

Apart from the account holders' registers, there are register of accounts, interest groups, compensations, jobs, etc.

For the type C banks (banks with several branch units, processing units) the exchange of registers is done automatically to the branch units' computers, and the data about the register of branch units' account holders are united at the central unit.


Balance inqueries and reports

.Project includes the whole set of terminals for immediate inqueries with balance of the last accounting through which one can get quick and immediate information necessary to the company's management, sector, department, and offices managers:

Balance review and report of the account for each deaprtment, balance review and report of the account for each currency, balance review and report based on the account, currency, and the account holder, balance review and report based on the account and bussiness dealing, balance review and report based on the account, bussiness dealing, and bussiness relationship, balance review and report based on account holder and all accounts, balance review and report based on bussiness dealing and all accounts, etc.

Besides these inqueries, there is a set of reports necessary for the company's management and branch offices' managers for successful negotiations with the account holders: account holder's identity card (complete review of account holder's bussiness dealings by all accounts of owing and demand in domicial currency, and for foreign currency accounts, in USD), balance of stock capital of the account holder, average balance depositer - account holder (monthly, three- months periods, etc.), other reports.

Besides the balance reports, it is possible to obtain a number of reports needed for the domicile currency dealings:

Control lists, accounting record book, review of accounts divided into parties, card listing, K1 report, Coded report, IOS, inventories, revision reports, obligatory supplies, re-clasiffied balances, Cash flow, and a set of other reports.


Accessory programs for interest calculation Besides

Accessory programs for interest calculation Besides the regular programs for interest calculation, there is a set of accessory programs for interest calculation, recalculation of rates from one level to another one (annually, monthly, daily level), amortization plans, recalculation for the entered data with fixed and changeable rates. Programs are used as accessory tools for momentary decisions and analyses.

Accessory programs are:

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