Subsystem of hotel managing


Prevailing demand for quick and accurate transfer of information has led to demand for connecting different computer networks and different technologies of data processing. Demand for quick information routed the development of information systems towards new technologies. Classical technologies of data processing through individual applications are being abandoned, and new, integral information systems are being introduced. Through them, the data are being processed in conjoint manner. Therefore, the dealings of hotel is not just booking of guests at the reception desk, but attentive and careful record of each guest that is being accomplished by width and completeness of information, from the reservation, through guest's stay at the hotel, booking, services at the restaurant, sports and recreation objects, as well as bills issuing, and theirs financial tracking (accounting). On the other hand, the other participants in the hotel's management are being tracked: suppliers and buyers of the goods that are needed for successful dealings of a hotel. Apart from this, we have not forgotten workers of the company who conjoin dealings with their earnings and staff record. A good information system has to conjoin and integrate these and many other elements into a whole. Our projects are based on the principle: quick information - satisfied user.

Reception managing

Successful managing of the reception is one of the essential prerequisites for efficiently managed hotel.


Reservation - usually a guest or group of guests occur as room reservation. Project includes managing:

Individual room reservation

Group room reservation

Individual room reservation - is being carried out in written form or over telephone. Elements that are important for the reservation are the identity of the guest, number of persons, number of children, number of rooms, interval of the stay, telephone number, special notes. By inquiring into available rooms, one can immediately confirm the reservation.

Group room reservation - is being carried out in written form or over telephone. Group reservation is applied in the case of group traveling, excursions, sports games, etc. Elements that are important for the reservation are the name of the group, company that makes the reservation, number of persons, number of children, interval of the stay, number of rooms based on the type and categories of rooms, number of females, telephone and fax number for information, special notes. Inquiring into available rooms based on types and categories, one can immediately perform reservation, especially for the number of single or double bed rooms, etc.

Booking - when the guest/guests arrive at the hotel, they are being booked into rooms. If a guest has reserved a room or bed in advance, booking is being done based on the reservation automatically. If the guest has previously stayed in that hotel, his source data are simply being connected with a new booking. If the guest is visiting for the first time, his\hers source data has to be entered into the guests' registry (identity number, name and surname, place and address, birth date).

The procedure is the same with group reservations with the possibility of giving the keys of the rooms before entering source data.

For those guests that did not reserve a room in advance, booking can also be done, if there are available rooms - beds.

Rooms survey - there is a program for efficient and quick insight in the state of rooms. Inquiry into the state of rooms and the current date + a week's calendar is set default. At the map, there is status section of the rooms for each room and for every date. For each room and date in a year, one can see the status of the room, as it were, as it is, or as it is going to be in the future period, as well as which guests are staying in that room. To conduct easier recognition of the room status, sections are marked in colours (room-calendar). In each section of the room occupancy, the gender of the guests is marked in occupied, partially occupied, and reserved rooms. You can make inquiries based on different criteria, like: rooms, dates, room status (available, reserved, occupied), etc.

Meaning of the colours:

Green - available room

Blue - reserved room

Pink - partially occupied room

Brown - room issued for daily stay

Red - occupied room

Bill issuing - after the guest checks out from the hotel, the expanses he made are being calculated. There is a program through which you conduct calculations of all the expanses that have not been charged until now, and these may be expenses for medical treatment (first checkup, therapy, laboratory, …), expenses of the stay (spending the night, room and board, room and half board …), restaurant expenses, other services expenses (room service, ironing, telephone, parking spot …), sports activities (swimming pool, tennis courts, gyms …), etc. the calculated expenses are being automatically divided into those that are being paid by insurance company, guest (cash, check, credit card …), those that are being paid by the company, or those that are paid by voucher, or discount. For all means of payment, factures or cash bills are being issued.

Cash register - for restaurants that can be connected to a unique information system of the company, there is a program of goods sales with the usage of the cash register that has the bar - code reader. Each sale results with the reduction of the supplies. There are also various means of services payment in restaurants (cash, discount, cheks, credit cards, etc.), as well as following reports. For those guests who wish to pay for everything when they leave the hotel, it is possible to transfer the bill to the room or a guest from the room. For restaurants and shops that can not be connected to the unique information system, there is a special cash register program, and through files, data about supplies, prices, and conducted sales at the beginning and the end of the day are being exchanged.

Restaurant - kitchen - programs for production monitoring in hotel are related to monitoring of the production of meals in the kitchen and normative monitoring of the consumption of the goods that are used in the production. Constituents - through constituents, normatives for the meals production with their quantities are being entered. Production specialist fills out the constituents - the cook for each type of meal (eg. For the production of one portion of Viennese stake: pork, eggs, butter, flower, boiled vegetables, …). Technological constituents - the technological process of food preparation is being entered descriptively (eg. One portion of Viennese stake).

It is implied that only a confidential person can access the technological constituents, because that are secret recepies of every production specialist - the cook.

Work order - for each day, work orders are being issued for the meals production in the kitchen. Based on the entered components, normative requisition and reduction of the supplies is being conducted, eg. 100 portions of Viennese stake meal.

Inclusion into financial accountancy

For every warrant issued at the reception desk or in the restaurant, financial items on the supplier or buyer of goods/services are being automatically formed. For the service, or goods sold in a restaurant or a shop for cash, or for such purchase for which the name of the buyer is not important, the financial items are being accounted on the identity number of the IS company.

For each item that did not participate in the price calculation, accountancy stavovi are being automatically formed. That process eliminates reentering the data in financial accountancy. Besides that, this automatic process levels material and financial recording. Automatic stavovi forming and their balancing is the result of forming the balance model that is being entered at the project's start, at the change in the balance plan, or at entering the new kind of job.

Another prerequisite for accurate forming of financial warrants from the goods-finance record (restaurant's / buffet's consumption) is entering the accurate set rates while opening an article at the articles register, regularly formed price list, sports recreations.


Reports and inquiries from retail sale goods-material accountancy

Reports of this subsystem include: reports and inquiries of source data, reports from goods-material records, financial reports-for accountancy, reports from the hotel managing




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