Subsystem of credit cards management


For the bank to improve its business dealings that includes the more quality service and expansion of the range of products that can be offered to users, as a possibility there is a bank card.



The plastic card takes more and more significant place in the economically developed world. If it is financial, then its purpose is to reduce the cash flow, to secure a certain conviniences and the status simbol for its user. A financial card is every bank card regardless of whether they have national or international character, and they can be payment cards, debut or credit cards, cards for cash payment, etc.


Card management

In order to qualify a bank for independent card management, it is necessary to purchase different hardware components, and a software package that unites all functions needed for independent processing. Program package shouls enable issuing of all kinds of cards: Visa, Europay, MasterCard, as well as national cards. It also shouls enable processing of different types of cards, such as payment card, credit card, etc., transaction authorization, transaction processing and connecting with the bank's accountancy.

A quality programs package contains the following characteristics that can be classified into more than one group according to the function and purpose:

Having in mind the complexity of the technology of issuing Visa, Europay/MasterCard, American Express, Diners card, and high standards that these systems require from the principals, a part of application software should be purchased from a foreign firm that would manufacture the program package and obtain certificate for the program to correspond to defined standards. From a range of certified firms, we will mention just a few:

ACI - Great Britain, Sema Group - Great Britain,

Steria - France, RS2 - Malta, etc.

All of these firms have tested and certified program producats for card managemt backup.


Bank card

Apart from the international cards that are issued by wirld recognized firms like Visa, Europay/MasterCard, American Express, Diners, a bank has the possibility to issue its own card, or a common card on the level of the country that is supported by all banks. Example: YUBA CARD is the common card of the banks from the teritorry of FRY. A bank card can play a double role. It could be real credit card or debut card with all the markrs and functions of existing international cards, and it can also be used as identification card for check payments.

For the firms that have a developed network of card receivers, the payment card is used with the slip or a POS terminal, whereas in firms that are not in the network of card receivers, the payment is done through classic check. A good receiver of the card is the Post Office that can adjust its window application to the card reception, and the number of transactions that can be done in such a way is large. Easy connection of the post office IS project with the bank IS project contributes to the project of bank cards to be very successful.



Accounting of financial changes is done at the checking accounts and business dealings through the card completely corresponds to check business dealings. Processing of finacial changes that appear because of the cards are processed through the mask of slip processing, or by automatic entering of the data from the IS payment cards project for the changes that appear at ATM and POS terminals.

Authorization centre

Organization of the authorization centre can be done at the level of the bank or at the level of the common uthorization centre for more than one bank and for more than one type of payment cards, domicile and international. Bank IS project includes programs for automatic runnung of the authorization centre or for the transfer of data into the common centre for authorization fro more than one bank. For the type C banks (banks with several branch units and processing units), there are programs for data uniting from the branch units into the authorization centre.


Card embossing

For the banks that issue bank cards and are not in the position to purchase software for the card processing from other suppliers, there are programs for the scope of home data of the card's user, for calculating card's BIN, and for bank card's embossing. The same programs can be applied as file transfer towards the Payment cards IS project if there is unite centre for Payment cards. For the type C banks (banks with several branch units and processing units), there are programs for uniting of the data from the branch units, for the scope of home data of the card's user, for calculating card's BIN, and bank card's embossing.

Data exchange

For the type C banks (banks with several branch units and processing units), there are programs for the exchange of the data with the branch units and processing units for the scope of financial transactions through slips of ATM and POS terminals.

Also, there are programs for acceptance and exchange of the data with the Post office system, with other banks that participate in cards issuing, with the firms that accept bank card as well as with the other institutions for the data exchabge of the international cards - Visa, Europay/MasterCard, American Express, Diners



Since the problem with payment cards is very complex in nature, starting from the limits of Visa, Europay/MasterCard, American Express, Diners to accept solely the software from their certified suppliers, through the problem of developing own bank card or issuing the international card and the bank's choice and the experience of our associates who have tried our hardware and software that have proven to be high-quality, we are able to offer the following services:


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