Subsystem of data uniting


The project includes procedures of data uniting that satisfy the needs of type C banks (with more type A and B banks that form a bank system located in more buildings in various cities or even in various countries where the independent processes of work are being carried out). That also satisfies the needs of type B banks (with more buildings and organized parts located usually in anther city).It is anticipated to unite the data on several levels. For all of them there are applicatively solved automated mechanisms that are easy to use, and that do not require complicated user training.

Levels of data uniting

The data are being united at the higher organizational parts: at the branch office for operating units, at Central bank for branch offices and operating units, but they are being sent from the branch offices. So that in higher organizational parts exist the data from the general ledger and the balance of account holders of lower organizational parts.

In each organizational part (branch office or operating unit) where there exist bank windows, automatic recording of the change of that branch office/operating unit from the type previously formed in the bank window application is performed.

The project also provides maintenance of registers unity at the level of the entire bank.

Mechanism (procedure) of data uniting

Each branch office and operating unit uses the same Application for the operating of the Bank. After the processing and forming of the general legend in the lower organizational part, the lower organizational part sends the changes of the general legend and the balances of the account holders to the higher organizational part - operating unit to the branch office, branch office to the Central bank. The operator carries out the sending; he/she starts easy procedures (assigns the dates of records and record books). The procedure is being carried out through Data Base Links, which are created between organizational parts. The required conditions are: elevated databases of the sender's and receiver's computers.

In the higher organizational part, there exist records about the sent data which disable the double - sending of the record book (calendar dd), as well as sending of the record books for the for the dates of backrecords ("the blocked record dates") - that controls the accuracy of the lower organizational parts.

Included are: the cases of data uniting in cases where the databases of lower and higher organizational parts are in the dame processing computer or, when they are physically distant and separated by the processing computers (servers).


In the conditions of connection cut

In the case of higher force or momentary/longer connection cuts between the organizational parts, there is a possibility of the developed mechanism of sending of the general legend and the balance of account holders by a diskette, e - mail, or ftp, and its takeover with all necessary controls that exist with the customary procedure of data sending.

There is a possibility of "manual" entering of the general ledger through the application for entering in the case of impossibility of sending the data through some of the magnetic medium.

Sending of the general ledger

After uniting of the data on higher level, the general legend of the Central bank provides information about circulation and balance on the level of branch offices, the general ledger, account, and department. The structure of data (or set tables) is the same in every organizational part.

From these united data it is possible to form reports for the entire bank and/or individual organizational parts (eg. Account balance of the general legend, account balance in branch offices (operating units), average balance in branch offices and accounts on more than one level, situation on every account of internal relations, general ledger's account card, report about incomes and outcomes, sign list, situation balance, balance of success, balance of incomes and outcomes, daily circulation for each department and account, re-classified bank's balance, obligatory reserves, report about internal relations).


Uniting of account holders data

As a part of the same procedure with sending of the general legend, there is sending of the balance of account holders. For account holders type "D" and "T", the data is united on the level of the main branch offices, general legend, account holder, kinds of account holders based on all its accounts, currencies, balances and dates of currencies. Type "G" account holders, because they are numerous and have lower financial volume, have high influence in higher organizational parts because of the circulation for the main branch office, general legend, account, currency, department. (D - domicile account holder, G - citizens, I - foreign account holders). Reports from the united data about account holders enable the evaluation of the general impression about the account holder and help with deciding whether to develop further cooperation with him or not. It is possible to limit inspection to such data - give permission only to authorized users.


MIS reports

As a part of the project, there is a submenu for informing of the bank's management.

The menu contains inquiries and reports from the general ledger and the balance of account holders in branch offices, operating units and accounts.

Reports contain: survey of balances per branch office, account balance - collectively for stock company bank, account holder's identity card, Form A1, survey of account's balance per branch offices on the level of classes, groups, three - figured and per analytical accounts, average balances of accounts and per given and all accounts, average balance of given balance positions per months (financial resources), survey of circulation per accounts and branch offices with and without previous balances, report about the balance of the general legend and account holders, the structure of which the advanced user creates by himself.

Reports for management are in permanent development, so that, apart from the existing set of reports from the formed data, it is easy to get new reports if the user requires so.

Registration to distant servers

As a part of the manager menu, it is possible to register to distant servers - branch office's and bussiness unit's processing computers. The prerequisite for it is opened user for the manager on the branch office's or bussiness unit's processing computer.


Receiving of the data from bank windows.

In the Bank's dealings application, there is a procedure for automatic acceptance of a change from the diskette prepared at the bank window or sent by ftp (data file transfer) from the bank units.

The required prorequisite is bank's unit filled register, from which a direct transfer to anlytic changes of banks' units in given dates of accounting is possible, and at the same time, a warrant with all necessary data is being formed. This kind of warrant equally participates in creation of the general legend with all the other warrants.

When the data processing is over, a return information for bank window is being formed. It includes balance for each account, and it is sent by a diskette or through ftp.

Unique registers

The project provides the possibility of maintaining unique registers in the entire network of bank units.

Uniting of account holders' registers is organised from lower to higher organizational parts.

Registers that need to be unique (account plan, dealings register, exchange list, etc.) at the level of the entire bank, are being renewed and kept at the Central unit, and is being automatically sent to each branch unit, and from there to processing units. At the beginning, the bank decides which registers it is going to include at the list of unique registers. Later, it is possible to include other registers in that list, if there is need for it. A prorequisite is to create data base of the computer from ehich the data are being taken from, and of the computer to which the data are being transfered.

The procedure is being activated several times a day, that can be adjusted at user's requirement. There is a possibility of manual activation of the program at other times. In the lower organizational part, there is record about the last data of unique registers transfer


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