The subsystem of production monitoring


The monitoring of production includes keeping record of material and financial supplies of goods which are used in production process, monitoring of raw materials, semi - products, and finished products. The project includes keeping record of supplies of raw material, semi - products and finished products in real time surrounding (each input and output of goods is reflected on the state of supplies), while the positions for financial accounting are formed automatically by order of the accounting department. Because of the complexity of the process of keeping record that is being conducted during the process of production, it is divided into more fields: a part of these records belongs to the field of accounting, a part to the field of administration (storehouses), a part to the plan and analysis, and a part to the production itself. The main goal of this subsystem is adequate monitoring of the supplies of goods, supplies of raw materials, semi - products, finished products by articles, holders of expenses (organizational units) and by storehouses in order to provide prompt and right reaction to procurement of raw materials, or to slow the production in order not to accumulate semi - products or finished products.


Managing of material accountancy

Managing of material accountancy requires the existence of certain necessary registers. These registers are: registers of articles, of storehouses, of rates and interest position for rates, of purchasers, of business relations, account plan, model of accounting, order, paragraph of orders…

Record of goods includes the changes in material accountancy, and automatical updating of supplies of materials.


Input of raw material - Receipt: when the supplier's receipt arrives, the goods are being recorded by articles, organizational units and storehouses.

During the process of inputting, the calculation of price is being carried out for each article, and that is done by making out the average price (the new price in the receipt affects the average price of supplies). A few factors affect the calculation of a product price: expenses (of transport, reloading, other services…), discount or margin, and transferred taxes which are being accounted with the input of goods.

The input of goods, semi - products, and finished products can be carried out by planned prices or real prices for finished products.

You can determine the expenses and elements that affect the price yourself.

Output of goods/ raw materials - internal orders: by forming internal order for output of goods - raw materials for the production process, the goods are being out - recorded from supplies by articles, organizational units and storehouses.

Apart from forming invoice for the purchaser of goods, there are other forms of transfer of goods from raw - material storehouse to another storehouse, or from one organizational unit to another one.

When inputting the working order for a product in the production process, the goods/raw materials are automatically taken off the state of supplies.

Output of finished products from supplies for a known purchaser or for wholesale/retail trade, is being carried out through a procedure called The subsystem of managing the goods - materials wholesale trade accountancy.

Production monitoring

Technological component

The subsystem includes a technological component, which in fact represents the data basis of technologies with all the operations needed. The characteristic of this component is that it backs up the concept of production technologies solely for command production. In the scope of this subsystem, You enter descriptively the production process of each product, describing technology, resources, raw materials, machines required for the process, etc. Based on the data entered, You are enabled to get survey of usage for certain components, individual balance of work, material, tools and parts. By coupling the data with planned index You can get the calculation of prices, analysis of prices and preliminary estimates, launching of work orders and production preparation.


Constructive component

The subsystem contains a constructive component, which in fact represents the required raw materials, energy, etc. database for a single unit of product. It is possible to determine practically indefinite number of levels that connect the raw materials and semi - products needed for production of a certain product. For a single unit of product or semi - product, You enter all necessary raw materials with quantities, and possible replacements. Based on the data entered, it is possible to get survey of usage for certain components, and for unit balance material. The constructive component is connected with technological component, and there has to exist a kind of interaction between the two subsystems.



The subsystem contains a model of prescriptions with the possibility of combining a number of materials, semi - products, and defining of technological lines. The input of prescriptions for the production of a certain product or semi - product is almost exactly the same with the data processing conducted by using the technological component. The subsystem is directly connected with technological component, the production plan, the calculation f product prices, and launching the work orders for the preparation of the production.


Equipment component

The subsystem contains a model of means of production integral elements, transportation, etc. which are subject of maintenance. Apart from that, it also offers an arbitrary number of levels of including the elements into the machines that need maintenance. It is also used for the creation of plans for maintaining the equipment. This subsystem also provides You with a survey for usage of certain components, and unit balance of spare parts by machine or by maintenance. By entering basic resources, machines, devices, means of transport, You are enabled to enter the components of which the machine consists of, and which can affect the total value of expansion or reduction of the machine. Based on the data entered, it is possible to conduct the planning of purchase of necessary elements in order to keep the machines, devices, and means of transport in working condition.


Launching of work orders

Based on the contracts or plans, the working orders are launched with all relevant data for the creation of balance of materials, tools, fuels, lubricants, and manpower. Using the elements of unit production from the constructive component or prescription, a work order is automatically formed for a given unit of product. By automatical removal from the supplies from storehouses, the consumption of components is being monitored on collective paragraphs of raw materials or semi - products.

By simulating the work order, the necessary quantities of raw materials or semi - products for a certain production process can be checked. If there are not enough supplies of certain materials, it is possible to conduct a necessary purchase, or allowed switch, or reduction of products foreseen in the production process.

Reports and accounts of production

A whole set of reports and accounts necessary for the production monitoring have been conducted. The reports are used for stating the data about the plan, and the accomplished production, and about the plan and the consumption of material and labor. The reports are of the operative nature, and they meet the level of work order, the product, the components, and the operation. The information about planned components are being taken over from the subsystem of planning, and the subsystem of launching the work orders; and for the real consumption and realization from the subsystem of internal circulation.

The account of the consumption of material gives us the information about the consumption in individual sections, by workers, orders and operations, and the calculation of consumption of fuel, and the spare parts. It is possible to monitor achievement of individual workers, the consumption of materials per worker, inclusion of workers into the production process. The information about workers can be used directly when accounting the salaries.


Inclusion into financial accounting

The financial items in the firm's accounting are being automatically formed for each formed work order through monitoring of the production process. This eliminates re-entering of data in the financial accounting and in goods - materials accounting. This contributes to easier way of processing the data correctly, and to enter the data into the information system exactly there where it originated.



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